Case Study: Müller

The Business

AgrosMilk has been supporting Müller since 2007. As the company has expanded its network of farmers and grown its team, we have evolved our software offering to match its changing needs. Agros SaaS 12.0 is providing the consumer-grade user interface and experience Müller requires.

Müller is one of Europe’s most renowned dairy organisations. Once a small village dairy set up by Ludwig Müller in Bavaria, Germany, around 125 years ago, the company today employs more than 24,000 people across 19 sites in more than 10 countries. It is the largest dairy player in Germany and has been a market leader in the yoghurt segment in the UK since 1995 – one-fifth of all the milk produced in Britain is used in Müller products. Recent acquisitions of Robert Wiseman Dairies (2012) and Dairy Crest operations (2015)have entrenched its commitment to the country’s dairy sector.

The Delivery

AgrosMilk was chosen because of our experience in the milk industry and our flexible operating model that can move at speed. Furthermore, AgrosMilk is the only provider which can deliver complex milk settlement calculations to enable accurate payments to farmers. There is a risk that other providers do not have the capability to provide this and it could be a future bottleneck to building new and important business capabilities. The system caters for extensive payments in all aspects of Collection, Quality, Transport, Levies and VAT from simple to complex payment structures.

Following recent upticks in growth, Müller required a software portal with a consumer-grade user interface and experience, part of a bid to become a better employer for its staff and a better customer for its farmers. It was time to upgrade. Muller was enrolled onto the Agros SAAS 12.0 platform and can now leverage our proven track record and experience in delivering agri software to UK, Irish, German, Nordics and Danish clients.

Comprising new Payments, Farmer Portal and Member Relationship Manager portals. Fully cloud-based, the project adopted a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) methodology across four key stages: Mobilisation; Setup and Prototype; Testing; Live.

The Results

The outcome is a user-friendly platform for paying Müller farmers with numerous benefits: reduced cost of ownership, full scalability, auto-updates, robust security layers, data compliance, disaster recovery, and more. Payment and MRM features enable Müller and its employees to better manage interactions with farmers – a cohesive, unified system that joins up global operations which incorporates the following:

  • Interactive Payments dashboard

  • Paperless PDF Milk Statement

  • Produce Bank File and forecast payments

  • Retrospection of Collections, Butterfat/Protein/Bact/SCC results

  • Quality and Matching

  • Test Statement and Groups

  • Price A and B Calculation

  • Analytics and Assessments

  • News and alerts for farmers

AgrosMilk provides out-of-the-box Milk Payment functionality. Our platform has been developed over the years to meet the challenging complex requirements of the dairy sector and Muller reaps these benefits. Our industry experts also provide Muller with bespoke development to meet their specific requirements. We build this into our roadmap so that our clients benefit from these new features. The project was quicker to implement allowing Muller to fast-track other projects using our platform, for example, quality, data analytics and insights, CRM and supplier relation management. We provided a cost-effective system that allows Muller to deliver more value to their organisation.


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